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Pension can be confusing for most people, there are so many schemes with weird and wonderful names and most clients want their pensions broken down into a language they understand. Just an example, if you have one of the following schemes give me a call and I will do my best to explain the scheme in plain English.


  • Personal Pension

  • SIPP

  • SSAS

  • Final Salary

  • Defined Benefit

  • Defined Contribution


  • Annuity

  • Pension Drawdown

  • Phased Retirement


Put these together with phrases like “I am in a 60th or 80th scheme” or, another I regularly hear, “my pension is frozen”, although I am yet to see a pension that is actually frozen.


Even with all my experience I have to call on specialist advice and I have associations with experts who can help with even the most difficult cases.


If you would like help with any of the above, just give me a call. We can have a quick chat and see if there is anything I can do to help.  

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